Monday 26 March 2012

A Hero Never Rests

Ride with me brother, unto the end and unto the rains of glory.

Don your steel and fire, your gems and sorceries and your faith.

For you will need every edge. The sway of this tide will depend upon it. Depend upon us. Depend upon you.

Ride with me, into the blazing hellheart of our foe.

Amass your light, consume your fears and stand before fate.

This moment , this moment is when you shake god's hand, and smile knowing even he can not dare stand before you.

Smell the dire souls of the wicked, and cast the shade away.

Witness a thousand hearts beat in synchronicity as their inevitable end rests in our hands.

Stand with me brother, ride once more with me, into the tide.

For honor, for glory, for love.

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