Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Love and Hate

There is no one true thing. Sometimes.

Sometimes, life is just so multi-dimensional and complicated as all your imagination can derive.  You can be tethered to one thing so as to forever keep you rooted to that thought, idea and emotion. And all the while, that you are tethered to such a thing, you can brandish opposing thoughts, ideas and emotions and for all that it is worth, believe one or the other, and both at the same time.

You can have the most pure happiness, and be emotionally pitch black in a reflective sense, and then be disturbed and angry that you can even emote that way in relativity to that happiness.  Love, and hate.

I’ve experienced Love and Hate, hating Love, and loving Hate. Though, I hate to love hate, and hate to hate love. All that is desired in the most ultimate sense, is love.

You can have love, possibly just that, but believe that you will hate love, when it is no longer around.
You will in serene honor of that love, hate, that you are hating it, but because you are only human, and a human of yourself, you know that what you want to feel for that love, is love.  This is one in many dimensions of each end.

In an abstract understanding, you can almost say that there is a certain scientific relativity to emotions. It is that we have these emotions and have the possibility to control them as well, though know that there is, and is not outside factors.

The creation of mankind, Time, is a factor in love and hate.

Emotions are the weather network spread over a sheet of time. You can assume, predict, and guesstimate what is, what was, and what will be, yet you know it can all change at any instant.

We are forever on the outside and the inside of our minds. We are forever the same and changing.

Another factor that is, and is not, is perspective.

Perspective can flip, twist and mold alternate realities to emotions, thoughts and ideas. This is the outside and inside of us. Not yourself, but us. Reality may persist to each individual, but it is seen that we are many, and without that many, perspective would be of a solo view and thus bare far less force on our minds.

There are now two outside and inside forces to alter the paths of our emotions. Thoughts already had the capacity to be complicated , contradicting and confusing before we add the forces of time and perspective. Now there’s the possibility for weave within weave within weave within weave…

The beginning starts with love.

It continues forward, with some ebb and flow between certainty and uncertainty. Stability can settle in with either factor, though still change on a whim.

Let’s say we add perspective from two dimensions. This adds two paths of emotional reality, each with the ebb and flow, with possibility for stability for either emotion and each the change on a whim dependant on the multiplied factors of either certainty or uncertainty. ( I am using these two words to provide a generalization of endless possible outside concepts.)

So now, you have two paths, with multiple dimensions.

Throw in a wrench, and push the stop button on Love from either dimension. Now what happens is an explosion of possible dimensions in emotions and ideas.
Either perspective is now beginning to go through the course of Love and Hate weaving. Which now gives two dimensions, multiplied by the effects of time to a severe level due to possible intensities in the emotions for either perspective.

When one perspective takes account for the other this will multiply the dimensions as well to a possible extreme degree.

Then there is the factor of time, each moment in itself already has an extraordinary dimensional possibility to emotional reality. So multiply that by passing time, and you can start to see how endlessly intermixed and messed up things can get.

It’s a flow chart on acid.

But wait. Yes, we are emotional beings. We are as well, logical beings. Sometimes.

Emotion and Logic are absolutely stunningly beautiful things. Without either I would fear for the world that is. In a sense they can be a ying and yang.

You can be freaking out at something, or yourself, and take logic into account ( in the sense of a greater good over the concept of time passing into the future tense) and then freak out that you are freaking out because you god damned know better, logically that freaking out at all is not helping you…AT ALL.

But does that stop us? Sometimes.

Like I said, it is multi-dimensional and down right frustrating at times.

I want to refer back to the factor of time, because with this concept of things being non-constant and un-linear in the idea that due to the simple fact that because of time , now is not then, and then is not now.

Realize that this change, can be a key to proverbial chains that bind us.

When the emotional shitstorm is drenching your mind. Stop, and think of time. Set yourself free and leave that moment to a different one.

If there is reality, then in reality you may have to experience the interconnected weave of love and hate, but you do not have to sit on one point.

This all ties heavily into the thinker and the prover as well. Take the time to introvert yourself when you are thinking on two sides of a coin. Pay attention to how you can rationalize to fields and actually make yourself flow in either direction with little resistance.

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