Tuesday 24 January 2012

Think and Prove

I've begun, once again, to step my way through Robert Anton Wilson's novel, Prometheus Rising. I gave the book a read through once before, though without following the exercises in a more committed manner, I feel that doing so only allowed me to absorb so much from it.
 It is certainly a read I would recommend to anyone and everyone. It is a mind altering experience. 

And so, my initial exercise begins. "What the thinker thinks, the prover proves." I am to visualize a quarter, and while keeping the thought present, see how many quarters I 'find' on my ventures around. 

Once running this a number of times, I will rationalize it to the fact that, sure there are many quarters just laying around..... and then see how many quarters I find.

After that, believe that by visualizing the quarter, I am attracting it to myself and am in a sort of way giving it existence to be found by me.

Let the quarter count begin.                                                                                                        

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