Friday 16 December 2011

The Cold That Drives Us

The calm before the storm has come.

Thousands wash around me, yet I am alone. Alone to make the decisions I need to make, and alone to weigh them.

I am so cold. It is almost a welcome feeling being cold at this moment. It brings on a sense of purity to the chaotic heat that bathes us in these times. Yet the cold I feel is not from temperature of weather, it is fear.

I am afraid. We all are.

Not a fortnight past I was warm inside. I was safe and in my heart’s home, and away from this storm.
Even then we could all see the storm coming, and the seed of cold was whittling its way inside, though not noticeable at the time.

The cold is here now though. It fills us and reminds us of what to feel and why.

I wonder if the storm feels the cold......

Here I stand, and so it should.

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